ALT: Rethink!

So we meet again blog...

This time, just me and you (and reader ofcourse) =) - Do you know why i love you blog?

because you help me keep track of my emotions, you are the one who allows me to unclutter my thoughts... well sorta.

Let us start todays post with an explanation of the contents of this one, and an implication as to the origin of the first post. This weekend was Katy- Taylor TFA The first post-camp tournament I have ever gone to. Results were overall quite sucessful, for the first tournament guys, we pwned.

For all of those who are curious- Concider the following


Ha Nguyen - 3rd place

Nick BROWN (hehe) - Top 12 Congress

Ha Nguyen - 2nd place
Shamez Hemani - Finalist

Hemani/Raj - 2nd Place
Pena/Nanjee - 3rd Place
Singh/Virani - 3rd Place (WEWT!!!)

Impomp Tu
Ha Nguyen - 1st place.


3rd place Sweepstakes (w/ 9 People!)

As you can see this tournament was quite successful for HHS, and specificaly me. If there is one thing i've learned from it is that I need confidence in my arguments, from the begining.

Doubt one cares, but read on for a collection of pointless events

*Yawn* The learnings of this contest SHALL be updated in the future, preferably tomorrow night, but we shall see.


YES! this is what you avid readers have been looking forward to. I have singlehandedly detracted from the coutdown to the elections in 2008, as readers from all around the world tune in to listen to ME and MY story.

So - this whole semi-finals buesness. I'm not so sure how i made it this far, but it happened guys, i'm not full of myself, I'm happy sure- I think i'm amazed actualy. Well elkins is in 2 days, we'll see how we do there.


While it may not be that awesome, hope some of you get something out of reading this post

Lessons and Anticdotes

in response to my debate record... honestly kids, i didn't expect to get as far as i did, after day one i was practically in tears I'm not so sure how i made it this far, but it happened guys, i'm not full of myself, I'm happy sure- I think i'm amazed actualy. Well elkins is in 2 days, we'll see how we do there.

Chacko can't cary a tub... or can he? thats right kids, chacko cleaned up the extemp room and caried the tub back ALL BY HIMSELF! - dosn't mack have an amazing CX partner?

MY FLOWS! - This ones, for you babe - we'ze still friends - just stay the FUCK away from my flows! *GASP*

North Korea Peace Corps = IMPERIALISM - quarters came down to this and solvancy, Lets just get this strait BHS - Peace Corps = = Imperalism as it is... Sending them to fucking north korea to SHOW them how to farm? thats effn' imperialism. Oops, did I just de-clasify the AMAZING bellaire affirmative? *laugh*

Trophy's are Sweet - So, as some of you may have heard, I got my first trophy ever at taylor hs. Yeah, as crazy as you kids are for thinking i'm good... i'm not - I didn't ever do that great in novice events - got a few ribbons last year for FX / PX - nothn' special.

Magic Sophomore - I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Last but not least.... neg = fun.

I'm out.


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