The Game

It all began with a single
who's reverberations reached every corner of the universe
being grew too strong to contain itself
and becoming now flourished everywhere.

On a single rock,
three doors over from
the magnanimous swirling ball of fire,
forces competed with one another
the lamb and the wolf
the land and the sea
fire and water
strength and weakness
in an endless cycle of ascendancy and descendency
of going over and going under
being had become a great game.

Until one clever beast, subdued the forces
gaged strength within a fictional binary
of good and evil, right and wrong, god and Lucifer
Weakness triumphed for a wrinkle in time
but the flame of greatness still burnt strong
in other words,
everything strong was evil, but evil didn't die

However tempting this false order,
this clever beast was a product of being
and like being, was unable to keep it's pact with itself
the strength that was encaged turned inwards,
into ressentiment, self suppression and self-hatred,
and ate the insides of the clever beast.

And despite this moral order,
The wolf still teared at the heart of the lamb
the fire still burned entire civilizations to the ground
the sea still sculpted the coastline with powerful blows
and the prostitutes still lined the city streets.
"Evil!" cried the beast, with utter dismay
but being only continued it's game,
disaster continued its crash-course with destiny
and the clock still ticked

The clever beast looked up to the heavens
and cried, "the lord will save his children"
but there was no reply, no miracle
-- no one to turn this water into wine.
Only Laughter as being continued its endless dance,
and the clever beast disappeared without a trace.


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